
The enclosed images show variable clippings of the work in progress and will, when finished, show a set table with the dimensions of 1,5 x 4 metres. The plate is set together by lots of single objects, moulded with frozen ink and then arranged on the table.

Banketjes. A painterly still life

The enclosed images show variable clippings of the work in progress and will, when finished, show a set table with the dimensions of 1,5 x 4 metres. The plate is set together by lots of single objects, moulded with frozen ink and then arranged on the table.

What, in the Netherlands, was declaimed more or less descriptively as a type of still life or banquet despite a certain reflexive displacement in the allegory, should become a much stronger indicative character in Claudia Märzendorfer’s project “Banketjes”. There is hardly any other situation within a civilized society which is so strongly regimented than consuming food together. A number of devices with a class-specific grade of differentiation allows us to take up an adequate distance towards our respective needs in order to be regarded as socially acceptable. The company at table is an analogy to society and the articles on the table are the protagonists of a story line which can be followed by the observer.
Claudia Märzendorfer’s interest in moulding objects using a material which appears strange in this context is by all means affirmative with regards to the surprising glossiness and brilliance of their surfaces. The delight of presenting, of staging the special is, however, counteracted by the processual character of frozen material: it elapses.
On the contrary to the Dutch still life which, with regards to the permanent change of appearances of reality, wants to create hold points for reflexion, Claudia Märzendorfer ist trying to converge the devices and the object of reflexion which is permanently in flow. In successful moments of this venture, one may possibly perceive epical beauty.