
In the literary work entitled Frankreich (france) Claudia Märzendorfer uses a witty, fantastical and bizarre form to discribe the scenes of an operation contucted on a whale. The sea mammel has swallowed a chunk of „france“ and may die as a result. France alludes to one oft he largest accumulations of plastic waste in the ocean; indeed, the total surface area oft he Great Pacific Garbage Patch was recently likened to that of this western European country. In attendance around the operation table are Dr Boeing and Dr. Microsoft. Listed in the protocol oft he surgical intervention are the items found inside the whale, including computers, notebooks, i Pads and iPhones, garden chairs , and an entire set of suitcases studded with rinestones. The latter was anable to prevent the „Brexit by May“ oft he right kidney… Märzendorferst ext is packed full af allusions to capitalism and consumerism. She articulates the absurdity oft he moment as we witness tremendous concern over the impact of environment destruction colliding with our unbridled and unabated consumerism. The arrangement oft ext, image and object composed by the artist is captured and rendered in the artists characteristic black and white, tob e studied and scrudinised inside the display case.

Part of the Exhibition Text „A Blazing World“ (KunstHaus Vienna, 2019) Verena Kaspar Eisert (curator).