…Ah, human, who cares. It’s about the big picture. And our success proves we’re on the right track with our work, we take what we can get: the cities, the headlines, the TV stations, the squealing of thousands of fans … that’s what it’s about! And the currents work without electric current, they’re fast, they cut through the red tape, they pack a punch, they’re energy-efficient! Felix, Ike, 2008.. …

..The urban oasis, a holdover from a different era, is a piece from another world, though the present is pulsing against the enclosure. The city’s largest park surrounds it, but in the immediate vicinity, on the urban periphery, luxury apartments are going up where horses live today. And from the heart of the enclosed studio park, as though from the center of the clock’s face, the point where the hands are mounted, you can watch how the world all around you is changing day by day in the rhythm of cranes and excavators…

…00:05 a.m.
…It was late. L. had already headed back to her studio, W. was tired, and before we trudged back, each to her studio, our paths through the nocturnal park lighted by fireflies, U. parted by saying: “We should take a photo. Naked, undressed, with your fair-trade solar lamp in hand.”