Appia Stage Reloaded

Appia Stage Program is a concert program with compositions and recordings for the medium of ice recordings.

In 2019, Märzendorfer accepted an invitation from the artistic director to the legendary Festspielhaus Hellerau. In the large hall, the “Appia Stage Reloaded” festival was the last time the stage developed by Adolphe Appia and the stage lighting developed by Alexander v. Salzmann (1911) was rebuilt in its original location. The Temple of Modernism was a magnet and center of the avant-garde at the beginning of the last century. A utopian place that has had a lasting impact on “light – space – movement” to this day. The list of artists who lived and worked in Hellerau reads like a who’s who of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Appia Stage Program is an arrangement from the Frozen Records archive and more recent recordings for two turntables. The length of the concert of around 30 minutes is matched to the original lighting with thousands of light bulbs behind the stage fabric, with the ice records on the turntables literally melting into the sound as they played.